#!/bin/bash DIR=`dirname $0` if [ $# != 2 ]; then echo "You must specify the path to the chart.pl script and the Chart Directory libraries." exit 1 fi SCRIPT=$1 LIBRARIES=$2 export PERL5LIB=$LIBRARIES pushd $DIR > /dev/null $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "01 disk read request merges" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Read Requests Merged/sec" plot-files/sde.rrqm.plot plot-files/sdc.rrqm.plot plot-files/sdb.rrqm.plot plot-files/sdf.rrqm.plot plot-files/sdi.rrqm.plot plot-files/sda.rrqm.plot plot-files/sdh.rrqm.plot plot-files/sdg.rrqm.plot plot-files/sdd.rrqm.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "03 disk write request merges" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Write Requests Merged/sec" plot-files/sde.wrqm.plot plot-files/sdc.wrqm.plot plot-files/sdb.wrqm.plot plot-files/sdf.wrqm.plot plot-files/sdi.wrqm.plot plot-files/sda.wrqm.plot plot-files/sdh.wrqm.plot plot-files/sdg.wrqm.plot plot-files/sdd.wrqm.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "05 disk read iops" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "IO Ops/Second" plot-files/sde.riops.plot plot-files/sdc.riops.plot plot-files/sdb.riops.plot plot-files/sdf.riops.plot plot-files/sdi.riops.plot plot-files/sda.riops.plot plot-files/sdh.riops.plot plot-files/sdg.riops.plot plot-files/sdd.riops.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s stackedlines --title "07 disk cumulative read iops" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "IO Ops/Second" plot-files/sde.riops.plot plot-files/sdc.riops.plot plot-files/sdb.riops.plot plot-files/sdf.riops.plot plot-files/sdi.riops.plot plot-files/sda.riops.plot plot-files/sdh.riops.plot plot-files/sdg.riops.plot plot-files/sdd.riops.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "09 disk write iops" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "IO Ops/Second" plot-files/sde.wiops.plot plot-files/sdc.wiops.plot plot-files/sdb.wiops.plot plot-files/sdf.wiops.plot plot-files/sdi.wiops.plot plot-files/sda.wiops.plot plot-files/sdh.wiops.plot plot-files/sdg.wiops.plot plot-files/sdd.wiops.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s stackedlines --title "11 disk cumulative write iops" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "IO Ops/Second" plot-files/sde.wiops.plot plot-files/sdc.wiops.plot plot-files/sdb.wiops.plot plot-files/sdf.wiops.plot plot-files/sdi.wiops.plot plot-files/sda.wiops.plot plot-files/sdh.wiops.plot plot-files/sdg.wiops.plot plot-files/sdd.wiops.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "13 disk read throughput" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Read KBytes/sec" plot-files/sde.rkb.plot plot-files/sdc.rkb.plot plot-files/sdb.rkb.plot plot-files/sdf.rkb.plot plot-files/sdi.rkb.plot plot-files/sda.rkb.plot plot-files/sdh.rkb.plot plot-files/sdg.rkb.plot plot-files/sdd.rkb.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "15 disk write throughput" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Write KBytes/sec" plot-files/sde.wkb.plot plot-files/sdc.wkb.plot plot-files/sdb.wkb.plot plot-files/sdf.wkb.plot plot-files/sdi.wkb.plot plot-files/sda.wkb.plot plot-files/sdh.wkb.plot plot-files/sdg.wkb.plot plot-files/sdd.wkb.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "17 disk request size averages" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Average Request Size" plot-files/sde.avgrq-sz.plot plot-files/sdc.avgrq-sz.plot plot-files/sdb.avgrq-sz.plot plot-files/sdf.avgrq-sz.plot plot-files/sdi.avgrq-sz.plot plot-files/sda.avgrq-sz.plot plot-files/sdh.avgrq-sz.plot plot-files/sdg.avgrq-sz.plot plot-files/sdd.avgrq-sz.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "19 disk queue size averages" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Average Queue Size" plot-files/sde.avgqu-sz.plot plot-files/sdc.avgqu-sz.plot plot-files/sdb.avgqu-sz.plot plot-files/sdf.avgqu-sz.plot plot-files/sdi.avgqu-sz.plot plot-files/sda.avgqu-sz.plot plot-files/sdh.avgqu-sz.plot plot-files/sdg.avgqu-sz.plot plot-files/sdd.avgqu-sz.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "21 disk wait time" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Average Wait Time" plot-files/sde.await.plot plot-files/sdc.await.plot plot-files/sdb.await.plot plot-files/sdf.await.plot plot-files/sdi.await.plot plot-files/sda.await.plot plot-files/sdh.await.plot plot-files/sdg.await.plot plot-files/sdd.await.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "23 disk read wait time" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Average Read Wait Time" plot-files/sde.awaitr.plot plot-files/sdc.awaitr.plot plot-files/sdb.awaitr.plot plot-files/sdf.awaitr.plot plot-files/sdi.awaitr.plot plot-files/sda.awaitr.plot plot-files/sdh.awaitr.plot plot-files/sdg.awaitr.plot plot-files/sdd.awaitr.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "25 disk write wait time" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Average Write Wait Time" plot-files/sde.awaitw.plot plot-files/sdc.awaitw.plot plot-files/sdb.awaitw.plot plot-files/sdf.awaitw.plot plot-files/sdi.awaitw.plot plot-files/sda.awaitw.plot plot-files/sdh.awaitw.plot plot-files/sdg.awaitw.plot plot-files/sdd.awaitw.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "27 disk service time" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Service Time" plot-files/sde.svctm.plot plot-files/sdc.svctm.plot plot-files/sdb.svctm.plot plot-files/sdf.svctm.plot plot-files/sdi.svctm.plot plot-files/sda.svctm.plot plot-files/sdh.svctm.plot plot-files/sdg.svctm.plot plot-files/sdd.svctm.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "29 disk utilization" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Utilization" --y-range=0:100 plot-files/sde.util.plot plot-files/sdc.util.plot plot-files/sdb.util.plot plot-files/sdf.util.plot plot-files/sdi.util.plot plot-files/sda.util.plot plot-files/sdh.util.plot plot-files/sdg.util.plot plot-files/sdd.util.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "02 dm read request merges" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Read Requests Merged/sec" plot-files/dm-2.rrqm.plot plot-files/dm-0.rrqm.plot plot-files/dm-1.rrqm.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "04 dm write request merges" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Write Requests Merged/sec" plot-files/dm-2.wrqm.plot plot-files/dm-0.wrqm.plot plot-files/dm-1.wrqm.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "06 dm read iops" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "IO Ops/Second" plot-files/dm-2.riops.plot plot-files/dm-0.riops.plot plot-files/dm-1.riops.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s stackedlines --title "08 dm cumulative read iops" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "IO Ops/Second" plot-files/dm-2.riops.plot plot-files/dm-0.riops.plot plot-files/dm-1.riops.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "10 dm write iops" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "IO Ops/Second" plot-files/dm-2.wiops.plot plot-files/dm-0.wiops.plot plot-files/dm-1.wiops.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s stackedlines --title "12 dm cumulative write iops" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "IO Ops/Second" plot-files/dm-2.wiops.plot plot-files/dm-0.wiops.plot plot-files/dm-1.wiops.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "14 dm read throughput" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Read KBytes/sec" plot-files/dm-2.rkb.plot plot-files/dm-0.rkb.plot plot-files/dm-1.rkb.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "16 dm write throughput" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Write KBytes/sec" plot-files/dm-2.wkb.plot plot-files/dm-0.wkb.plot plot-files/dm-1.wkb.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "18 dm request size averages" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Average Request Size" plot-files/dm-2.avgrq-sz.plot plot-files/dm-0.avgrq-sz.plot plot-files/dm-1.avgrq-sz.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "20 dm queue size averages" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Average Queue Size" plot-files/dm-2.avgqu-sz.plot plot-files/dm-0.avgqu-sz.plot plot-files/dm-1.avgqu-sz.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "22 dm wait time" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Average Wait Time" plot-files/dm-2.await.plot plot-files/dm-0.await.plot plot-files/dm-1.await.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "24 dm read wait time" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Average Read Wait Time" plot-files/dm-2.awaitr.plot plot-files/dm-0.awaitr.plot plot-files/dm-1.awaitr.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "26 dm write wait time" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Average Write Wait Time" plot-files/dm-2.awaitw.plot plot-files/dm-0.awaitw.plot plot-files/dm-1.awaitw.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "28 dm service time" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Service Time" plot-files/dm-2.svctm.plot plot-files/dm-0.svctm.plot plot-files/dm-1.svctm.plot $SCRIPT --table html -s lines --title "30 dm utilization" -x "Time (secs.)" -y "Utilization" --y-range=0:100 plot-files/dm-2.util.plot plot-files/dm-0.util.plot plot-files/dm-1.util.plot echo -e "\n\nIOstat Charts\n\n\n" > chart.html for i in `ls -1 *.png`; do echo -e "\n\n" >> chart.html echo -e "\n" >> chart.html html_file=`echo $i | sed -e "s/png/html/"` if [ -e $html_file ]; then echo -e "\n" >> chart.html fi echo -e "\n
\n" >> chart.html cat $html_file >> chart.html echo -e "
\n" >> chart.html done echo -e "\n\n" >> chart.html