Overflow stats not available
CPU: P4 / Xeon with 2 hyper-threads, speed 3002.66 MHz (estimated)
Counted GLOBAL_POWER_EVENTS events (time during which processor is not stopped) with a unit mask of 0x01 (mandatory) count 100000
  samples|      %|
  1821145 74.5892 vmlinux-2.6.31-autokern1
   211400  8.6584 oprofiled
   140386  5.7498 ipmi_si
   103386  4.2344 btrfs
    46261  1.8947 lpfc
    44117  1.8069 oprofile
    18988  0.7777 dm_mod
    18559  0.7601 scsi_mod
    13101  0.5366 libc-2.5.so
     4991  0.2044 jbd
     4036  0.1653 ffsb
     3808  0.1560 ext3
     3165  0.1296 bash
     2341  0.0959 libpthread-2.5.so
     1345  0.0551 sd_mod
     1045  0.0428 aic94xx
      597  0.0245 ld-2.5.so
      535  0.0219 screen-4.0.2
      370  0.0152 libperl.so
      350  0.0143 tg3
      248  0.0102 ntpd
      190  0.0078 libglib-2.0.so.0.1200.3
      153  0.0063 ipmi_msghandler
      139  0.0057 sadc
      130  0.0053 libusb-0.1.so.4.4.4
      107  0.0044 scsi_transport_fc
       87  0.0036 libsas
       78  0.0032 iostat
       70  0.0029 irqbalance
       63  0.0026 pcscd
       61  0.0025 ide_cd_mod
       32  0.0013 opreport
       24 9.8e-04 date
       24 9.8e-04 gawk
       23 9.4e-04 sar
       22 9.0e-04 rm
       18 7.4e-04 tee
       16 6.6e-04 grep
       16 6.6e-04 killall
       16 6.6e-04 gam_server
       13 5.3e-04 cdrom
       12 4.9e-04 sed
       10 4.1e-04 mpstat
        9 3.7e-04 librt-2.5.so
        9 3.7e-04 automount
        7 2.9e-04 libstdc++.so.6.0.8
        7 2.9e-04 hald-addon-storage
        6 2.5e-04 libevent-1.1a.so.1.0.2
        6 2.5e-04 nscd
        5 2.0e-04 libpam.so.0.81.5
        4 1.6e-04 libdl-2.5.so
        4 1.6e-04 libtermcap.so.2.0.8
        4 1.6e-04 audispd
        3 1.2e-04 sleep
        3 1.2e-04 libpopt.so.0.0.0
        2 8.2e-05 libselinux.so.1
        2 8.2e-05 tr
        2 8.2e-05 crond
        1 4.1e-05 opjitconv
        1 4.1e-05 cat
        1 4.1e-05 libacl.so.1.1.0
        1 4.1e-05 libaudit.so.0.0.0
        1 4.1e-05 libm-2.5.so
        1 4.1e-05 libpcre.so.0.0.1
        1 4.1e-05 libsepol.so.1
        1 4.1e-05 pam_limits.so
        1 4.1e-05 syslogd
        1 4.1e-05 dirname
        1 4.1e-05 expr
        1 4.1e-05 xfs
        1 4.1e-05 libavahi-common.so.3.4.3
        1 4.1e-05 sadc