Overflow stats not available
CPU: P4 / Xeon with 2 hyper-threads, speed 3002.22 MHz (estimated)
Counted GLOBAL_POWER_EVENTS events (time during which processor is not stopped) with a unit mask of 0x01 (mandatory) count 100000
  samples|      %|
  1832788 79.7401 vmlinux-2.6.31-autokern1
   172340  7.4981 oprofiled
    97664  4.2491 btrfs
    43572  1.8957 lpfc
    41246  1.7945 oprofile
    39049  1.6989 ipmi_si
    18010  0.7836 dm_mod
    17560  0.7640 scsi_mod
    12860  0.5595 libc-2.5.so
     4635  0.2017 jbd
     3638  0.1583 ext3
     3609  0.1570 ffsb
     3553  0.1546 bash
     2155  0.0938 libpthread-2.5.so
     1154  0.0502 sd_mod
      918  0.0399 aic94xx
      631  0.0275 ld-2.5.so
      542  0.0236 screen-4.0.2
      333  0.0145 libperl.so
      302  0.0131 tg3
      279  0.0121 rm
      175  0.0076 ntpd
      167  0.0073 scsi_transport_fc
      138  0.0060 sadc
      130  0.0057 libglib-2.0.so.0.1200.3
      129  0.0056 libusb-0.1.so.4.4.4
      108  0.0047 iostat
       83  0.0036 ipmi_msghandler
       78  0.0034 libsas
       59  0.0026 ide_cd_mod
       50  0.0022 grep
       49  0.0021 mpstat
       45  0.0020 irqbalance
       40  0.0017 date
       37  0.0016 pcscd
       36  0.0016 automount
       35  0.0015 tee
       33  0.0014 opreport
       31  0.0013 gawk
       27  0.0012 killall
       25  0.0011 sar
       23  0.0010 cdrom
       14 6.1e-04 init
       12 5.2e-04 libevent-1.1a.so.1.0.2
       11 4.8e-04 libdl-2.5.so
       10 4.4e-04 nscd
        8 3.5e-04 librt-2.5.so
        8 3.5e-04 libselinux.so.1
        6 2.6e-04 ls
        6 2.6e-04 libstdc++.so.6.0.8
        5 2.2e-04 sed
        5 2.2e-04 libtermcap.so.2.0.8
        5 2.2e-04 gam_server
        5 2.2e-04 hald-addon-storage
        3 1.3e-04 mkdir
        3 1.3e-04 which
        2 8.7e-05 sleep
        2 8.7e-05 libsepol.so.1
        2 8.7e-05 syslogd
        2 8.7e-05 crond
        1 4.4e-05 mv
        1 4.4e-05 expr
        1 4.4e-05 id
        1 4.4e-05 libavahi-common.so.3.4.3
        1 4.4e-05 libavahi-core.so.4.0.5
        1 4.4e-05 libpopt.so.0.0.0
        1 4.4e-05 avahi-daemon